Civetweb API Reference

Embedded C/C++ web server

Civetweb API Reference

mg_response_header_start( conn, status );

mg_response_header_add( conn, header, value, value_len );

mg_response_header_add_lines( conn, http1_headers );

mg_response_header_send( conn );


Parameter Type Description
conn struct mg_connection * The server is sending a response to this connection
status int HTTP status code to send (100-599)
header const char * HTTP header name
value const char * HTTP header value
value_len int Length of HTTP header value. -1 will use the entire value string.
http1_headers const char * String in format “Key: Value\r\nKey2: Value2”

Return Value

Type Description
int An integer indicating success (>=0) or failure (<0).
-1 Error: Invalid parameter (e.g., NULL pointer or value out of range)
-2 Error: Invalid connection type. These functions must only be used in web server request handlers.
-3 Error: Invalid connection status. These functions must be used before mg_send() or mg_printf() functions.
-4 Error: Too many headers. The total number of header lines is limited to MG_MAX_HEADERS (default: 64).
-5 Error: Out of memory.


The mg_response_header_* family of functions can be used to send HTTP response headers from a web server handler function. Do not use it for HTTP clients or websockets. When using mg_response_header_* functions, they must be used to send all HTTP headers - combining mg_response_header_* functions and mg_send_*/mg_write/mg_printf to send HTTP headers is not possible. After sending HTTP headers, HTTP body data is still sent using mg_write/mg_printf.

All mg_response_header_* functions must be used prior to any call to mg_write/mg_printf, in the following order:

1) mg_response_header_start (once) 2) mg_response_header_add (0 - 64 times), alternatively mg_response_header_add_lines. The preferred function is mg_response_header_add. The function mg_response_header_add_lines can process HTTP/1.x formatted header lines and is used for compatibility. 3) mg_response_header_send (once) 4) mg_write or mg_printf (multiple) to send the HTTP body

Using mg_response_header_* functions will allow a request handler to process HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2 requests, in contrast to sending HTTP headers directly using mg_printf/mg_write.

See Also