Civetweb API Reference

Embedded C/C++ web server

Civetweb API Reference

struct mg_request_info;


Field Type Description
request_method const char * The request method used by the client for the connection this can be GET, POST or one of the other common HTTP request methods
request_uri const char * The absolute, relative or URL-encoded URI as it was sent in the request. Example: “” or “/path/to/file.ext”, depending on the client.
local_uri_raw const char * The relative URL-encoded URI as it references the local resource. If the request URI does not reference a resource on the local server, this field is NULL. Example: “/path/to/file.ext” (even if the client used “” in the request)
local_uri const char * The local_uri_raw cleaned, so it does not allow a path like “allowed_dir/../forbidden_file”. Files served by CivetWeb are selected based on this local_uri.
uri const char * Deprecated. Use local_uri instead
http_version const char * The HTTP version as mentioned in the client request. This can be “1.0”, “1.1”, etc.
query_string const char * The HTTP query string, defined as URL part after the first ‘?’ character, not including ‘?’. NULL if there is no ‘?’.
remote_user const char * The name of the authenticated remote user, or NULL if no authentication was used. Only used for HTTP (digest) authentication, not for cookie based authentication.
remote_addr char[48] The IP address of the remote client as a string. This can either represent an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. Example: “”
remote_ip long Deprecated. Use remote_addr instead
content_length long long The content length of the request body. This value can be -1 if no content length was provided. The request may still have body data, but the server cannot determine the length until all data has arrived (e.g. when the client closes the connection, or the final chunk of a chunked request has been received).
remote_port int The port number at the client side (an integer number between 1 and 65535).
server_port int The port number at the server side (an integer number between 0 and 65535).
is_ssl int 1 if the connection is over SSL (https), and 0 if it is a plain connection (http)
user_data void * A pointer to the user_data information which was provided as a parameter to mg_start().
conn_data void * A pointer to connection specific user data
num_headers int The number of HTTP request headers sent by the client (see http_headers)
http_headers struct mg_header[64] Array of structures with the HTTP request headers sent by the client. For the number of filled header fields, ee num_headers.
client_cert struct mg_client_cert * Pointer to the client certificate information, when available. This field is only filled for https connections using client certificates.


The mg_request_info structure contains the client information of an existing connection.

See Also