Civetweb API Reference

Embedded C/C++ web server

Civetweb API Reference

mg_read( conn, buf, len );


Parameter Type Description
conn struct mg_connection * A pointer referencing the connection
buf void * A pointer to the location where the received data can be stored
len size_t The maximum number of bytes to be stored in the buffer

Return Value

Type Description
int The number of read bytes, or a status indication


The function mg_read() receives data over an existing connection. The data is handled as binary and is stored in a buffer whose address has been provided as a parameter. The function returns the number of read bytes when successful, the value 0 when the connection has been closed by peer and a negative value when no more data could be read from the connection.


#define RECV_BUF_SIZE 1 << 20

size_t read_data(struct mg_connection* conn,
                        uint8_t* buff,
                        size_t buff_len) {
  size_t read_len = 0;
  while (read_len < buff_len) {
    size_t sz_to_read = std::min<size_t>(RECV_BUF_SIZE, buff_len - read_len);
    int this_read = mg_read(conn, buff + read_len, sz_to_read);
    if (this_read < 0) {
      std::cerr << "[error] Failed to read data" << std::endl;
    } else {
      read_len += size_t(this_read);
      if (this_read > 0) {
        std::cout << "[debug] Received " << this_read << " more bytes" << std::endl;

  return read_len;

See Also